The Ultimate Vacation Planning Guide – My Vacation Shorts

As we are about to embark on one of the biggest family vacations of our lives, I have been reflecting on vacation planning practices that we do before we go on a trip.  We are about to travel to Europe for a month, which obviously requires some major planning, and I am trying to find a balance between getting things done in my day-to-day life and getting ready for my upcoming trip.  It’s tough, but I have some tried and true methods that make sure the planning goes, well…according to plan.  Here are a few of them, so you too can have peace of mind before you head out on your epic vacation adventure.

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Taking the Adventure Route – My Vacation Shorts

I am so excited to introduce my first guest post writer.  My husband, Phil, is pretty much the smartest human I know. He has been my editor on many of my writing adventures for about 20 years now.  I have shared with you how we are a family that travels on one income because we wanted our children to be with a parent instead of being raised by someone other than us.  My husband is a stay at home Dad and has been one since my daughter was born in 2008.  He is an amazing one at that.  In this first post by him, you will see the backstory to our whole traveling philosophy. Read on to find out how you too can choose to take The Adventure Route. Enjoy.

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5 Ways to Truly Relax While Vacationing- My Vacation Shorts



How to Actually Rest (but still do stuff) While on a Vacation

I absolutely love to relax on vacation.  After surveying other friends and family members, I realized that many people don’t really know how to fit in getting some rest while traveling.  As a result, they don’t really want to travel because they just feel tired at the end of vacation, and then they are tired when they go back to work and their normal lives.  Read on to find out my tips on how to actually relax while vacationing.
It’s easier than you think. Number five will blow your mind!!!  (I put that in as a joke for my husband 🙂

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